UI-SDP Seminar : "Finding Indonesia: The Past, The Present and The Future"

Universitas Indonesia - Student Development Program
Day 1 - November 27, 2010

SEMINAR : "Finding Indonesia: The Past, The Present and The Future"

Key Speakers :
Prof. Dr. Anhar Gonggong - Universitas Indonesia's Senior Historian
Dr. Hendri Saparini - Politic-Economy Expert

Arief Munandar, S.E., M.E. - Trainer and Consultant

Today was the first day for us -75/100 students who have been officially become UI-SDP new family to be trained. We had the program held in Auditorium Building I - Faculty of Humanity Universitas Indonesia from 8.oo AM to 3.00 PM.

The committee set up a very well-organized event that I almost feel that what they have done and what they are doing for us is such a precious thing that I greatly send my gratitude to them.
Okay. Let's just start. The agenda opened by poetry-reading from Prof. Dr. Anhar Gonggong entitled: SEJARAH, IBU KEHIDUPAN - HISTORY, THE MOTHER OF LIFE which tells a story to us, that without a history, we, the humankind is nothing else but nothing. History elucidates the moments of happiness yet it spreads the memory of sadness. But History, is also the only thing that backs us up to climb up the mountain of a future hope. So he beliefs that if we want to fluorish this nation, we should study, taking care, and mirrored to the history we have. In the 17th through 19th centuries, Indonesia was nowhere and nothing. What were there was just the fact that hundreds of traditional empires, including superpower kingdoms such as Mojopahit and Sriwijaya, were built and expanded in this geographic, which is now stands the nation of Indonesia. At that time, only the smart, young, and enlightened people with a strong and brave heart who could undauntedly finding this nation. It was not easy to find what is it that best describes a nation that has 17,000 islands, with hundreds of etnics and beliefs, thousands miles of coastline that connected them and hundreds of local language to become a nation of ONE. It was no easy. But with a smart thoughts from Soekarno and his colleagues, they did find it, our nation, Indonesia. Beginning in the early 20th century from 1908-1945 they did their best to formulate a nation that will be stay strong and perpetuate no matter what revolves around it in the future. And now that we had already gotten our independence, we should act and think like our founding-fathers, which is to build this nation in an everlasting steps based on our ideology Pancasila. Independence is not the last goal of a great efforts, but is is the starts for the next generation to build this nation to become a strong developed country in the next decade.

-Dr. Hendri Saparini
And now that we are FREE from our last enemy, the colonialism, we have been forgotten about what is was the national objectives of our independence. Today's enemy is poverty. That is exactly what we have to overcome. We could not stay still and do nothing to see that beggars are still all around us in the streets, that street vendors are still hit by the party who says they were just doing their job. It is not that. It is unfair. Building nation, should be start with building the economic base. If everybody who breathes in this nation has the same RIGHTs to live their life lively, then a 1% target of reducing poverty in a year is nothing bit a wasting-time and useless efforts to developing this nation. Target should be as high as a dream that we could dreamt of, by that the efforts would also be greatly paced forward. If we want to be a strong nation that these two basic should be fulfilled enormously: 1. Going back to Constitution Economy; going back to what we have already have Pancasila; 2. National Interest in Liberation; it is okay to be bolded out in globalization and liberation, but one thing that we should always sticks out eyes for is our national interest which later on to prosperous the life of all Indonesian people.

-Arief Munandar, S.E., M.E. People could live in balance with two aspects: 1. Pesimistic and 2. Optimistic. Indeed both are two opposite words. But it is what it is. We should have a fear that we could not get what we dreaming of so that we would work hard that we would be so optimist that there is undoubtly A HOPE to become a better nation in the future. SO, lessen sleep time, eat faster, walk faster, and run. Do not waste your time in anything but to give a benefit as much as you can for others.

Global Leaders, Indonesian Colours.


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