Last week on Thursday May 10th I found the greatest news on my email:

Dear Nuraini Wulan,
Congratulations! It is a great pleasure to announce that you have been selected as the participant for our "2012 20th AKS Summer Program for International Students".  

YES!! I found out that I got the program that I have always dreamed about! Summer School in Korea. 
The program called The 20th AKS Summer Program for International Students. This program will be conducted in The Academy of Korean Studies in Seongnam-si Gyeonggi-do, South Korea from July 16th - August 10th 2012. It is a summer program only for those who has the ability in speaking Korean and willing to learn Korean culture and language there. The applicants are those who majoring in Korean Studies from all over the world. Even lots of my seniors applied it too. But how great it is for me to be selected as the only one grantee. Kyaah~ just can't find the right word to express my happiness. This program is 100% tuition waived, even meal, dormitory all they give it to the grantee for free. We only got to buy the airfare to and from South Korea. But still, it is a GREAT program!!
I can't explain how happy I am right now. It's just, it's really like a dream come true. Soon I will trace my feet there, in the land of morning calm, my dream land South Korea.
I will post everything about my day there for the whole month. It will be my most memorable time of my life.
Until then, I will do my best !!!FIGHTING!!!



    figthing eunnie!!!
    you are the best ^^

    GO GO GO HWAITING ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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